Welcome to PUBLICTRENDING.blogspot.com, a social news network where stories inspire community engagement and digitally fueled actions for social change. PUBLICTRENDING is a news for everyone no matter who you are and what you are. It’s a new world of limitless collaboration enabled by new technology and connected by social media. PUBLICTRENDING promise uncompromised journalism that – hopefully – inspires smart conversations and ignites a thirst for change. We are veteran publishers trained in broadcast, print and web disciplines working with young, idealistic digital natives eager to report and find solutions to problems. We are web artists, designers, publishers and professionals combining the best of broadcasting and IT processes. We won’t be complete without YOU. 
 Technology now allows us to work in ways never before possible to create connected communities and to tap “the wisdom of crowds,” the process of harnessing a group’s collective answer which, under the right conditions, have proven to be better than any single expert opinion. We also believe in the power of emotions. Studies show that up to 80% of the way people make decisions in their lives are determined by the way they feel. Neuroscientists also say the act of labeling emotions increases our ability to reason. Please share how you feel about each story through our patented mood-meter. More than at any other time, how we feel collectively is important because brain imaging scans show that the Internet and social media are stimulating our emotions and rewiring our brains. Globally, emotions are spreading quickly through large swathes of societies with both positive and negative effects. Social media helped spread courage and hope to challenge dictators during the Arab Spring, but it was also used to plan riots in London and challenge traditional power structures in Occupy Wall Street. We hope our hearts and minds approach will help encourage greater self-awareness and lead to greater transparency and responsibility – for each of us and our societies. Only then can we avoid some of the pitfalls of our brave, new world as we build the future together. Tomorrow begins today. 
Thank you for joining us!

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